Since 01.01.2024, new legal requirements apply when placing mixtures of hazardous substances on the market for industrial users. A PCN notification (PCN = Poison Centres Notification) must be submitted to the European Chemicals Agency ECHA for each mixture of hazardous substances so that the European Poison Information Centers have all the necessary data from the safety data sheet for each mixture of hazardous substances in the event of an accident. The UFI (UFI = Unique Formula Identifier, format AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD) contained in the safety data sheets and on the product labels is generated on the basis of the formulation for a safety data sheet and transmitted exclusively electronically to the ECHA or created there. (Source: CLP Regulation, Annex VIII, Article 45)
We can consider ourselves lucky that we have already implemented this critical requirement since mid-2023 with a high five-figure investment. We can also automatically transfer amended UFIs in the event of changes to safety data sheets, which is only possible manually – if at all – with an extremely high level of effort.
Companies that have not carried out PCN notifications since 01.01.2024 and have not integrated UFIs on their safety data sheets and product labels may no longer place their products on the European market. Companies in the industrial sector that have already registered their products with the BfR (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) are exempt. These have a deadline extension until 31.12.2024.
Has your current supplier integrated the UIF in the safety data sheet and on the product label? If not, this will take months.
Please call us on +49 8801 914999-0 or send us an email to We can supply you with our products promptly and, above all, in compliance with the law.